Anthea Turner Anthea Turner

A little summer holiday update…

So excited to learn in this week’s magazine that Richard Osman has a new fiction book out, I’m a big fan.  I chomped through his last 4 on various holidays and loved every page turned. If you’ve not read any of them, treat yourself, great characters all with colourful back stories and by the time you get to the last book ‘The Last Devil Too Die’ they will be your friends. I wish I had time to read more. 

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What would Mary Poppins think of Eyeliner?
Anthea Turner Anthea Turner

What would Mary Poppins think of Eyeliner?

 Mary Poppins is 60! Now that ages us, we are the generation who learnt, a spoon full of sugar makes the medicine go down and proud of being able to say Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious and those who learnt it backwards were just showing off!

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The Elixir of Youth
Anthea Turner Anthea Turner

The Elixir of Youth

Beginning today with an aging observation.

2 weeks ago, we avidly read in this magazine a fabulous article by Alison James entitled ‘The Other Fab Four’ about the wives and girlfriends of The Beatles. In it were many quotes from model/It Girl, at the time, Pattie Boyd. Pattie met and quickly fell in love with George Harrison on the set of ‘A Hard Day’s Night while playing a schoolgirl. Just over a year later in1966 they were married but in 1977 went their separate ways with Pattie leaving George for Eric Clapton. I’ve known Pattie for about 20 years, I used to live near to her and we share many mutual friends.

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A Tip for Snack Attacks
Anthea Turner Anthea Turner

A Tip for Snack Attacks

My tip for snack attacks is the small click lid box I travel around with. Inside is a collection of nuts and seeds, pumpkin, walnut, brazil, almond, hazelnut, sunflower and to give it all a kick, tiny pieces of 80% cocoa dark chocolate. Then in a second box I have my blueberries, a delicious fruit packed with antioxidants and easy to eat on the go.

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Hannah Waddingham, Sunglasses & Torvil and Dean…
Anthea Turner Anthea Turner

Hannah Waddingham, Sunglasses & Torvil and Dean…

Great to see Hannah Waddingham on our front cover celebrating her 50th as I’ve had a total girl crush on this lady since watching her play AFC Richmond owner Rebecca Welton in Apple TV’s Ted Lasso. Love, hate or have no emotion about football, please give this series a try and by the 3rd episode you will no doubt be glued, clutching the remote saying “oh just one more”.

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What is “Beauty Sleep”?
Anthea Turner Anthea Turner

What is “Beauty Sleep”?

Writing to you this week from the beautiful Greek island of Santorini. This trip isn’t work related, its absolute and total pleasure. I love island life here, it’s our fourth visit We always hire a car and over the years if it’s worth seeing we probably have.

Last night before crashing out – (Sleep like the dead here first night a whopping 12 hours, now down to an acceptable 7 to 8) I set an alarm to get up and write to you and then enjoy the beautiful, quiet tranquillity of the morning.

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Frock Up, Cool Down
Anthea Turner Anthea Turner

Frock Up, Cool Down

Just returned from a fabulous 3 day shoot with one of my best friends. Can’t tell you too much about it until the programme airs in October but, it’s on the BBC, involves a classic car and a lot of antiques. I’ll give you the total lowdown nearer the time, but this is what I wanted to share with you. This particular episode of the series was filmed in a location that has a history of outdoor speed skating and has recently opened a brand-new ice rink.

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A New Word in my Vocabulary - Blepharitis
Anthea Turner Anthea Turner

A New Word in my Vocabulary - Blepharitis

This week, because it’s taking over my life, I need to share with you my drippy eyes that I now know is called Blepharitis – How did this happen? Since March the skin around my eyes has been irritated, I put this down to something I was allergic to but failed to find the culprit. Also, my eyes started to randomly weep, this went on for a short time completely stopping when I when I visited The Galapagosoff the coast of Ecuador. Hmm, is this where I need to live for the rest of my life? Two weeks ago I was practically booking a one way ticket as it was back with little relief.

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The Mistral Hotel
Anthea Turner Anthea Turner

The Mistral Hotel

This week I’m writing to you from the beautiful Aegean Island of Crete. I’m here making a film about a truly special hotel called The Mistral Hotel and for the last 30 years its doors have been open exclusively to single travellers who come here for companionship.

From the moment they arrive at Chania Airport they are literally scooped up and brought to an oasis of calm where fears of being alone and the biggest of all, eating alone, dissolve away.

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Wendy and I are launching our new children’s book ‘It’s Raining Strawberries at Wimbledon’ 
Anthea Turner Anthea Turner

Wendy and I are launching our new children’s book ‘It’s Raining Strawberries at Wimbledon’ 

Anyone want to talk about the weather? No, I thought not. What’s going on? I’m sitting here in my office at home writing to you in my winter socks and its June! I always try and console myself with an upside, so how about this… The grass is green and women in hot countries have more age-related wrinkles than we do – Lets hold on to that.

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Why do we have to take a picture of every dish?
Anthea Turner Anthea Turner

Why do we have to take a picture of every dish?

Love a bumper edition and this one is packed – I’m off to Crete at the weekend to film a little report on a hotel so the 22-page mini mag with all those stories I’m saving for the plane journey. But will only open it when I’ve spent at least 1 hour deleting rubbish pictures from my phone. I am obsessed with cleaning up my electronic life and the only way to do it, is by being tough.

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Chelsea Flower Show
Anthea Turner Anthea Turner

Chelsea Flower Show

Lovely to see Joanna Lumley on his weeks front cover, oddly I bumped into her last week at Chelsea Flower Show. We were both helping the RNLI celebrate 200 years of saving lives at sea. As they are a charity, raising money to support their work is paramount, so one of the country’s leading rose breeders Ian Limmer of Peter Beales Roses created and launched a rose in their honour with the hope of rising £40,000 The rose is called ‘With Courage’.

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Our go-to Location
Anthea Turner Anthea Turner

Our go-to Location

So, safely back in London after a truly amazing trip with Dad and my sister to The Galapagos. Keep a look out on my Instagram for pictures which I’m still going through and madly editing. How many Iguanas, sealions and blue footed booby shots can one possible need?

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The Joys of Travelling
Anthea Turner Anthea Turner

The Joys of Travelling

Last week I wrote to you while bobbing up and down on a beautiful boat surrounded by the stunning islands of the Galapagos with a heron sitting on the roof.

This week not so glam, a café in Guayaquil Airport, Ecuador on my way to Madrid then home to Heathrow. We should have been home over 24 hours ago but sadly someone had died on our incoming flight which triggered a police investigation, grounded plane, a hotel stopover and missed connection – Oh the joys of travelling.

But what was a massive shock was the way some passengers reacted to the problem. Screaming, shouting, banging on the desk and, threatening the staff, it was a crazy scene. However, those of us who kept calm got our reward when it came to dishing out hotel vouchers. The aggressors got sent to ‘The Holiday Inn’ while our team and a collection of others made it to The Sheraton – A small but significant victory!

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Writing to you from Ecuador’s Galapagos Islands
Anthea Turner Anthea Turner

Writing to you from Ecuador’s Galapagos Islands

Well, I’ve written to you from some strange places, but this tops them all, I’m Ecuador’s Galapagos Islands.

Its, taken the best part of 2 days to arrive here but worth every hour spent on a plane or in an airport.

My Sister Wendy, our father Brian and I made the decision this was the year for a family adventure. Dad back in the 50’s studied geology at university and having spent our childhood roaming around slate mines in Wales, copper mines in Cornwall, being taught about the glacial structure of our highlands and islands it had to be something geographically spectacular. Everything about this volcanic archipelago in the Pacific Ocean has fascinated him for years and at 91 you need to see with you’re your own eyes what books and even David Attenborough can convey.

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Air Fryers and River Boats
Anthea Turner Anthea Turner

Air Fryers and River Boats

Today while writing to you I’m desperately trying ‘not’ to have one eye on Jamie Oliver’s, Channel 4 show which is all about taking our humble air fryer to another level. He’s just dished up fresh salmon, with a salsa dressing on its crispy skin, nestled in broccoli, asparagus and guess what? A can of tinned potatoes! He tipped them into his second draw with a little butter. Honestly, if I had the ingredients, I’d be in the kitchen right now.

I love watching cookery programmes, Saturday Morning Kitchen is probably my favourite, and inspires me to be a more adventurous cook.

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So Happy to See Summer Dresses
Anthea Turner Anthea Turner

So Happy to See Summer Dresses

So happy to see summer dresses in our magazine this week especially as it was ‘My Weekly Fashion’ that two years ago introduced me to the wonders of sustainable fashion brand Aspiga.

The company’s founder Lucy Macnamara is an inspiration and just about the best when it comes to creating ‘the flattering frock’ she’s definitely turned me from being a ,separates only summer dresser, to finaly allowing floaty frocks back into my life.

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I Want to Talk to You About Bones
Anthea Turner Anthea Turner

I Want to Talk to You About Bones

I want to talk to you about bones this week yours and mine. What would we do without them? Collapse into a frail heap, but not if we look after them and all they need to thrive is good food and stress, I don’t mean emotional stress they hate that but weight stress.

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Totally Embrace the Power of Sleep
Anthea Turner Anthea Turner

Totally Embrace the Power of Sleep

I know this sounds terrible, but I’ve just finished my last Easter egg. I didn’t have loads, but Jeremy Vine, together with a doctor, on his Radio 2 programme spoke about the dangers of sugar spikes, with the bottom line that when faced with a higher than normal amount of chocolate i.e.

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