The Mistral Hotel

This week I’m writing to you from the beautiful Aegean Island of Crete. I’m here making a film about a truly special hotel called The Mistral Hotel and for the last 30 years its doors have been open exclusively to single travellers who come here for companionship. 

From the moment they arrive at Chania Airport they are literally scooped up and brought to an oasis of calm where fears of being alone and the biggest of all, eating alone, dissolve away.

I’ve met first timers who are blossoming with newfound confidence and regulars who come again and again for the warmth and relaxation. The day we arrived it was just before supper was served, the sound of chatter was coming from the cocktail bar then seamlessly with drink in hand everyone moved towards 2 large beautifully laid long tables sat down and carried on where they had left off. 

No one, and I mean no one, looked or felt left out largely because those who had been many times before protected the newcomer like it was their spiritual calling. I remember myself when going through a divorce, holidaying alone I had never in my entire life done something so simple yet scary. I cried all the way to Gatwick airport and in my fluster nearly missed my flight. I had friends in the area I was visiting and planned on catching up with them but the psychology of holidaying alone, together with the pain in my heart, I felt sick. 

Yet, I’m a confident woman I’ve travelled the world alone for work, meeting film crews in far flung places, but this was different, I was emotionally lonely and felt like a loser.

The hotel is privately owned, and its plain to see how much the family care about their guests and in turn the guests care about them. They know their first names Adonis and Aura, their child, cats and staff. 

It’s been a joy to be part of their unique world, talk to fellow travellers who I might never meet again but have enriched my understanding of what it is to be human. 

There are loads of local trips should anyone want to leave the hotel. my favourite was to an Olive Press. I love olive oil and have for some time drank 1tbsp of this Mediterranean nectar every morning. I firmly believe in its therapeutic benefits for cardiovascular health, reducing cholesterol levels and the definite improvement in my joints. If you try this only use extra virgin organic cold pressed from a single origin. Keep it to yourself as your little tipple and don’t let anyone cook with it.  

I take my hat off to the ‘Carry-On’ travellers, my friend Jane Moore is the Queen. Me? Unless it’s an overnight, I can’t go there, mainly because on holiday I love dressing up, we have such a short window of opportunity when it comes to wearing summer clothes, so I have to grab it. 

In my world there are no prizes for travelling light, whatever the maximum baggage allowance, I’ll use it and steal a little bit of Mark’s! 

Bon Voyage! 


A New Word in my Vocabulary - Blepharitis


Wendy and I are launching our new children’s book ‘It’s Raining Strawberries at Wimbledon’