What is “Beauty Sleep”?

Writing to you this week from the beautiful Greek island of Santorini. This trip isn’t work related, its absolute and total pleasure. I love island life here, it’s our fourth visit We always hire a car and over the years if it’s worth seeing we probably have.

Last night before crashing out – (Sleep like the dead here  first night a whopping 12 hours, now down to an acceptable 7 to 8)  I set an alarm to get up and write to you and then enjoy the beautiful, quiet tranquillity of the morning.


Don’t you think there’s something about being an early bird that gives you a privilege? Even more so if you live in a city or like me, are on holiday.

I remember when presenting Breakfast TV driving through London at 5am knowing that this world I was experiencing in 2 hours time would be gone. This precious time known only to me, litter lorries, road sweepers, window cleaners, bus drivers and shift workers, was a special time not to moan about but be relished. 

We read so much now about our Circadian Rhythm, our 24 hour internal brain clock that regulates cycles of sleep and alertness as it responds to light changes in our environment. In the Summer waking with the sun and sleeping when the sky has lost all colour is not that difficult and if you are feeling out of sorts, its worth reading up on and trying out. I did it once to the letter,  travelling in the Himalayas, the places we were staying had very little electricity so we slotted in with the environments natural rhythm and I’ve never felt so bright in all my life. Sadly, our real lives, especially in the winter, are difficult to arrange in this way but we can meet our CR half way. There are even apps and gadgets to help us find our perfect balance and I’ve ‘nearly’ convinced myself to buy one.  The main reason for my sleep obsession is that a good sound sleep at the right time gives my body the optimum chance to heal and mend. 

The brain stores information, removes toxic waste (including beta-amyloid found in sufferers of Alzheimer’s), injured tissues are rebuilt and hormones are rebalanced. Then there’s our skin - who hasn’t looked in the mirror after a few good nights of restful sleep and thought, “Gosh I look better” this is because the body has a priority list to fix overnight beginning with vital organs and ending with our biggest but not so life threatening, skin.

 It’s called ‘Beauty Sleep’ for good reason, it really is our best and cheapest way to look good!

Now back to my tranquil morning which has just been busted by a large loud Australian chap who’s obviously had a terrific night’s sleep, is full of beans and wants to share his exuberance with us all!


Hannah Waddingham, Sunglasses & Torvil and Dean…


Frock Up, Cool Down