Wendy and I are launching our new children’s book ‘It’s Raining Strawberries at Wimbledon’ 

Anyone want to talk about the weather? No, I thought not. What’s going on? I’m sitting here in my office at home writing to you in my winter socks and its June! I always try and console myself with an upside, so how about this… The grass is green and women in hot countries have more age-related wrinkles than we do – Lets hold on to that.

Loved my time in Crete, came home with a cookery book so as you can imagine olive oil, lemon and oregano are getting sloshed over everything and after visiting an olive press I’m encouraging all my friends to take a daily shot of extra virgin cold pressed olive oil to help lower any inflammation, assists digestion, reduce cholesterol and generally oil the joints. I can honestly say that since I’ve been using this little hack I acheless.  

Looking forward to a return visit but in the meantime my nexttrip is technically speaking, ‘work’. 

I’m joining my friend comedian Darren Harriott on the Cambridge leg of ITV’s Celebrity Antiques Road Trip. 

We met on the set of Channel 4’s ‘The Real Dirty Dancing’,hit it off, and I can’t think of a better person to spend a couple of days with rummaging around antique shops, driving a vintage car and being a teensy bit competitive. It may not be on our screens for some months but I will keep you posted about that.

Meanwhile, are you chomping through our piece about dressing for a Summer wedding? If you’re going to one this year my tips are; Make sure you have flat shoes to slip on - Touch up make up – A wrap, even if it’s just to go home in - And unless the forecast gives you the all clear …an umbrella!

I favour the style used by our late Queen - a completely clear birdcage. You can pull them down over your head and hat, see out of them, and whatever your outfit it will never clash!

I’m over the moon our cookery feature this week is all about strawberries because my sister Wendy and I are launching our new children’s book ‘It’s Raining Strawberries at Wimbledon’ 

It’s the second in our series ‘Underneath the Underground’ which is about the lives of the mice who live on the London Underground. Their world is a parallel one to ours, the political mice live at Westminster tube, the fashion conscience at Knightsbridge, the crafters at Covent Garden and the list goes on. Our stars are the mice but in the human world they are our dear King and Queen. Charles and Camilla are hilarious and everything behind closed doors you want them to be. Keep in touch with our mouse adventures via my Instagram. 

Now off for a power nap, something I learnt to do rather well when working on GMTV. If there was an evening event I was desperate to go to, it was the only way I could do it and still be up for a 4 AM alarm call. 

There is lots of good advice in our piece, especially the eye mask it’s a must but can’t be too tight, mine I’ve had for so many years its practically a sleep trigger in its own right.


The Mistral Hotel


Why do we have to take a picture of every dish?