The Elixir of Youth

Beginning today with an aging observation. 2 weeks ago, we avidly read in this magazine a fabulous article by Alison James entitled ‘The Other Fab Four’ about the wives and girlfriends of The Beatles. In it were many quotes from model/It Girl, at the time, Pattie Boyd. Pattie met and quickly fell in love with George Harrison on the set of ‘A Hard Day’s Night while playing a schoolgirl. Just over a year later in1966 they were married but in 1977 went their separate ways with Pattie leaving George for Eric Clapton. I’ve known Pattie for about 20 years, I used to live near to her and we share many mutual friends. Then I got divorced, moved back into London so our paths don’t cross as much but last Friday there we were in the same room. It was Roger Taylor’s Birthday (Queen) and the rock princes now the queen was standing there nailing the Boho look and defying her 80 years on this planet. I never think pictures do Pattie justice because what you can’t see in a shot is the energy of a person and she has it in barrels. It’s a young energy looking out through twinkling naughty eyes. 

I often say the elixir of youth isn’t in a pot of cream its within you and those who own it, have a few things in common and it’s a check list worth noting.

They tend to be forward looking, don’t weigh themselves down with past trauma and if they have had a difficult time work hard at overcoming and boxing it, so not to pollute their life going forward. They are glass half full types who try to make the best of what they have and what’s around them. You won’t catch them unduly moaning, they keep up to date with what’s going on in the world, look after themselves, because they’ve worked out selfcare isn’t selfish it’s a necessity if you want to support others. They work at friendships, make plans to do things. I know I would say this, but their homes (nests) are clean, bright and give a feeling of uncluttered harmony, clutter is like molasses it sticks to you, but not to them, they spy something not required and its straight down to the charity shop – Lets be more like Pattie.

Love top tips to stop travel anxiety because I have it. 

For me preparation is key and anxiety is rooted in me being ill prepared. I’ve not closed down the house efficiently, tied up those loose ends, haven’t done my homework on where I’m traveling to, haven’t left enough time to pack the right clothes, tickets etc are not in order and easily accessible. 

My tip, and I’m about to do one for a trip Mark and I are taking to Italy is to write up a complete itinerary it lays out our entire holiday and at a glance it will give me an overview of our trip, times, dates, locations, contact details, parking, ferries, costs. The sheer process of doing it means makes you feel in control and confident.

Enjoy X

Article orginally from My Weekly!


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