A Tip for Snack Attacks

So good to see Christine Lampard on our front cover. I popped into This Morning a few weeks ago before Ben and Cat broke up for the summer and bumped into her. She is a total delight, always beautifully dressed and smiling, the very best person to fill Lorraine’s shoes until September.

I knew nothing about Daytime Discos what a hoot such fun and home for supper!

I was once invited to a silent disco which is basically a disco where due to the proximity of neighbouring houses you couldn’t have a full blast one, so everyone dances around in headphones. Not sure I actually enjoyed it, seemed to spend most of the evening with sweaty ears, flat hair and not talking very much which for me is devastating! 

Today, when I should have been writing to you, paying a few bills and going over a script, 

I found myself Googling recipes for health bars. Haven’t made any for years but become increasingly annoyed at the prices and having to constantly check for hidden sugars, palm oil, and additives which certainly don’t come under the heading ‘health’. 

With few exceptions they are largely a total scam from luring us in with salacious packaging to only mentioning in big letters ingredient which they think is a no brainer like a nut or a delicious apricot, omitting to tell us the plump fruit in the picture once diced has been dried to a tiny lump of fructose – But its natural!

My tip for snack attacks is the small click lid box I travel around with. Inside is a collection of nuts and seeds, pumpkin, walnut, brazil, almond, hazelnut, sunflower and to give it all a kick, tiny pieces of 80% cocoa dark chocolate. Then in a second box I have my blueberries, a delicious fruit packed with antioxidants and easy to eat on the go. 

Very soon I will be adding my own homemade granola bar into my snacking box, not sure which recipe will win but it’ll definitely include the selection of delicious seeds suggested in ‘Seed Cycling’ to help us through the menopause and beyond. As I don’t have a ‘cycle’ anymore, just one with a basket on the front, I won’t be segmenting the seeds out into pre and post ovulation piles but am wondering if some clever marketer has already created, to make our life simple and themselves a fortune, 2 prepackaged bars.


Finaly a little Blepharitis update or, drippy eye as I call it. If you suffer from this eye problem, you will know how annoying and complex it is to manage. My eyelids became sore scaly and inflamed the inside of my eyes was constantly pink and tears were flowing.

Reasons are varied but mainly age, hormonal, over production of eye oil (it’s lubricant for blinking) and in my case small tear ducts which are now not so small after an operation to widen them. I’ve spent a week with little bruises, ointment and drops but now beginning to see the benefit. Eyes look white, not dripping and skin around them, due to my diligent use of my own product BALM 6, is now completely clear. Not 100% sure I’m out of the woods, but definitely on the right track. 


The Elixir of Youth


I want to recover from my holiday on a sleep retreat and in case they serve pizza a sneaky bottle of Tabasco sauce.