My Weekly this week is talking my language ‘Get Fit Without Trying’

My Weekly this week is talking my language ‘Get Fit Without Trying’ is the way to go.

To be honest I’ve banged this drum for years and have mentioned it when writing to you. From standing on one leg while cleaning my teeth, to parking at the far end of the supermarket carpark so I walk back, taking the weight of my 2 heavy shopping bags, to engaging and strengthening my core muscles by walking everywhere with shoulders right back, to my whole dog walking routine. This is a little crazy but very effective particularly when walking a pooch with a magnetic attraction to every lamp post, tree, wall corner and random patches of grass where another dog has already peed. 

To make the best of my Frenchie’s strange behaviour, I accompany him wearing a 5kg weight vest, 2kg ankle weights and 0.5kg wrist weights. So while Soho’s sniffing, cocking and rolling I’m squatting, lunging and hugging trees. Always stride out with purpose, use your full range of movement in everything you do and when you stand up from a chair don’t use your hands on the arms or the table in front of you, make your quads do the work. It’s a way of life that pays dividends.

I love the thought of Glamping on Arran although I’m a little confused as to where camping ends and glamping begins because I can’t imagine camping and not making my pitch, wherever it is, as luxurious as humanly possible. Bunting, fairy lights, cushions, throws, incense sticks, matching retro tin dinner service, sheepskin rugs, surely this is normal? Why anyone would want to be in an igloo tent with a sleeping bag, primus stove, hand warmers and wet wipes I just don’t know. A few years ago, I went to Bestival on the Isle of White. If there were prizes for how much you could ram in a boot it was mine. However, after much derision and hilarity from friends on the ferry over, guess who’s tent everyone was packed into. And when the sun rose in the morning sky, beaming its rays on my stove, kettle and frying pan that together produced a sumptuous full English, it was game set and match.

 Last week I returned from my Italian travels and spent the best part of the last 4 days having my end of summer cleaning and clearing out session. With Mark away for a week and no one to put the brakes on I’m darting around (with ankle weights) like a woman possessed by the spirit of….. Anthea Turner?!

At 7.30 this morning the cooker hood was taken apart and all components as I write to you are soaking in hot water laced with washing up liquid. In the hall there are 3 bags for the charity shop, largely containing summer clothes that I’ve decided are no longer age appropriate. The kind way to put it is, my white British skin, in places, looks more attractive if lightly covered!  After sending this off to our editor Susan I’m pulling out a product called Peek together with a roll of fine wire wool – Anyone who knows about this magic tube of metal cleaner will say “I’m with you sister, polish your socks off and enjoy” #smallpleasures 

Article originally from My Weekly!


What a lovely travel piece we have this week.


A little summer holiday update…