What would Mary Poppins think of Eyeliner?

 Mary Poppins is 60! Now that ages us, we are the generation who learnt, a spoon full of sugar makes the medicine go down and proud of being able to say Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious and those who learnt it backwards were just showing off! 

I remember like yesterday going to see the film with my Mum and being transfixed by the whole spectacle, little Turner’s eyes were literally coming out on stalks, what I didn’t realise was this would spawn a lifelong obsession with anything to do with Mary Poppins, P.L Travers and Julie Andrews. I managed to meet Julie Andrews at a private lunch arranged by her record company in London, she was promoting a compilation album of her greatest hits. I practically lost the power of speech but regained it enough to take the poor woman though my in-depth knowledge of Mary Poppins and Maria Von Trapp. I obviously wasn’t alone, but she was gracious and patient to the end. 

Writer Pamela Lyndon Travers spent much of her life living in Smith Street just off Kings Road, Chelsea, I park there often when when nipping in to M&S close by and always give a moment to the blue round plaque with her name on saying she lived there from 1946 until 1962. Google Blue Plaques if you want to know more and a Daily Mail article on the sale of the small terrace house in 2020 for 3.5 million. Also, can I implore you to watch Emma Thompson and Tom Hanks in ‘Saving Mr Banks’ it’s the story of P.L Travers fractious relationship with Walt Disney. Pull snacks together, put your feet up and enjoy, you will love them both. 

Finaly, to confirm my fan status I have the whole series (8) of ‘Mary Poppins From A-Z’ published by Collins in 1963 including a signed copy. 

Don’t know what Mary Poppins would think about eyeliners but as we get older and our eyes seem to get smaller a little liner definitely helps. However, wrinkles (smile lines) don’t help eyeliner so whichever you choose to use go for the waterproof type. Cruelty free company Delilah make one under their collection ‘Stay the Night’ and Trish McEvoy has a pencil with a colour called ‘Arabian Nights’ which is a deep, nearly black green and amazing. However, I have cheated a little. When asked “Do you have a tattoo” I reply “Yes, across my lash line and dotted within my natural eyebrow shape” If you can find the right artist this is a game changer for disappearing eyes. Do your homework ask around and make sure you have seen their own work. Never do under the eye, it’s too obvious, keep well away from lips and don’t change the natural flow of your eyebrows just use a light stroke to enhance the shape you already have and possibly dye the hair as well for greater effect. In brows, I use tattoo not blading because it lasts longer. Numbing cream stops the pain, start with a light line, as you can always increase.


Article originally from My Weekly


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