Does the ‘To Do List’ ever get finished 

 Does the ‘To Do List’ ever get finished and what if it did, is that it? The end?!! I was, in all seriousness thinking about this, worried about what would happen to me if there was nothing to do. I discussed it, (mentioned) to Mark while dropping him off at Heathrow for a 2-week business trip to the US. He laughed, said ‘impossible you’ll always find something to do, it’s in your DNA’. 

But there I was walking back through the door with 2 whole weeks on my own.. Wow, what was I going to do, party my sock off, accept every social invitation? No, I was mildly excited at the thought of going ‘To Do List’ crazy with no one to say “stop, sit down!” 

Fixing the post box, the cracked sink, tidying the spice draw to photographic standard can all wait for another day, but can they? 

It came into my head that if I didn’t have an overwhelming desire to clean, tidy and deadhead geraniums how much more time would I have in my life to do other ‘stuff’? While pondering this I was already on Amazon ordering 24 empty spice jars with mahogany lids chosen because they matched the vein in my marble worktop – I know! 

The kit came with posh sticky labels, a marker pen and funnel to help with the filling process. I have Amazon Prime so only 24 hours to wait for delivery which was just enough time to completely empty the cupboard under the stairs while listening to a Podcast on Gut Health. Very soon the hall was strewn with umbrellas, test paint pots, random carrier bags, light bulbs, wires (to we know not what), a bag of spares to everything from the coffee machine, the washing machine and a pile of kitchen door hinges. Has a door ever come off? No. Plus all the other odds and sods a house with no garage can accumulate under the stairs. Some of these things could be in the loft but that is already crammed with Christmas decorations, career memorabilia, and CD’s Mark finds physically impossible to get rid of even though his favourite tunes are all on Spotify and we don’t own a CD player. Somewhere past midnight I threw in the towel knowing that after work was finished the next day I would be back perusing the grand ‘To Do List’. Series 2 of Sherwood saw me through the spice rack rejuvenation. Next was a collection of grubby baskets I painted white and as our decorator had taken 2 doors off their solid brass hinges,  came my  tin of ‘Brasso’ and tube of ‘Peek’ as I smugly polished away until they looked like new.

As I sit here writing to you, Mark is back home and as I glance at my ‘To Do List’ it hasn’t got shorter, but I know I love it, couldn’t live without it, gives be mental satisfaction, controls in a good way my dyslexic brain, but most of all keeps me happy which Mark won’t be when he realises I’ve been in the loft!


Thank you My Weekly for supporting Breast Cancer Awareness month


What a lovely travel piece we have this week.