Life Anthea Turner Life Anthea Turner

Trash The Dress

‘Google’ Trash The Dress’ a friend sent me a selection of pictures when I was sorting out the storage containers of my life and was wondering what to do with my wedding dress?

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The Hills are Alive With the Sound of Music
Life Anthea Turner Life Anthea Turner

The Hills are Alive With the Sound of Music

The First film I remember seeing was The Sound of Music in 1965, my Mum took me along and I was transfixed. Later in 1976 aged 16 (going on 17) I played the part of Liesl Von Trapp in a rather large amateur stage production of the show.

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Life Anthea Turner Life Anthea Turner

Tea At the Ritz

On Wednesday, I had a wonderful afternoon experiencing Tea at the Ritz with my fellow skaters, Andy, Gareth Thomas and Robin.

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Snowy Winter
Life Anthea Turner Life Anthea Turner

Snowy Winter

What a lovely surprise that was. Everything looks so beautiful in the snow. I am obsessed with taking pictures in the snow, in fact I love the seasons and however much I dream of living permanently in the sunshine, I know I would miss our ever changing seasons.

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Life Anthea Turner Life Anthea Turner

All Fright On the Night

My sister Wendy and her boys Jack and Freddie were hardly recognisable as they headed off to a belated Halloween party.

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Flat Pack Vase!
Life Anthea Turner Life Anthea Turner

Flat Pack Vase!

How about a ‘Magic’ flat pack vase? Strange but true! And it actually works – you just take it out of the packet, add water and arrange your flowers.

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Life Anthea Turner Life Anthea Turner

Wet, Wet, Wet!

My jubilee seemed to involve a lot of umbrellas and wet food which Buddie, as you can see, helped me clear up!

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Lucy’s Lovely Biscuits!
Life Anthea Turner Life Anthea Turner

Lucy’s Lovely Biscuits!

I love, love, love biscuits! All my friends know I can’t drink tea or coffee without the naughty little round thing… But how would I cope if I had a food allergy? Thankfully I don’t but so many people do.

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Life Anthea Turner Life Anthea Turner

The Hunt Is On!

A few shots from last year’s Easter Egg hunt as this year’s hasn’t happened yet. The children are my two Goddaughters Amber and Tilly and their sisters Sasha and Flora. You can spend hours and lots of money sorting out a hunt but frankly at this age it’s the thrill of the chase as the amount of eggs are never going to be all eaten (surely?!).

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Coals to Newcastle…
Life Anthea Turner Life Anthea Turner

Coals to Newcastle…

I must be the only person who bought 7 Lindt Golden Bunnies, packed then in straw and IKEA cardboard eggs and took them all the way back to their homeland through Geneva Airport for Easter Sunday.

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Life Anthea Turner Life Anthea Turner


Well I’ve done it – after years sitting on my bum thinking I should I’m joining a group of friends for the MoonWalk London 2012.

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Dorothy Purdew’s 80th Birthday Party
Life Anthea Turner Life Anthea Turner

Dorothy Purdew’s 80th Birthday Party

I went to The Dorchester this week for the 80th Birthday Party of a wonderful and inspirational lady, Dorothy Purdew. Many years ago she began a small spa called Henlow Grange which I visited back in ’92 as her guest.

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Lights Not Fantastic!
Life Anthea Turner Life Anthea Turner

Lights Not Fantastic!

Christmas tree lights – Agggggggggghhh! I must have used just about every swear word I know – and I have many in my vocabulary!

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Happy Feet 2
Life Anthea Turner Life Anthea Turner

Happy Feet 2

It’s not often I go to Premiers but Happy Feet 2 I wouldn’t have missed for the world. Elijah Wood and Robin Williams were there to give Leicester Square, London some glitter. I took along Claudia Bovey, Tilly Lindsay (my Goddaughter) and her Mum Sally Mean.

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Secret Santa
Life Anthea Turner Life Anthea Turner

Secret Santa

We are having a family get together this Christmas at ‘Turner Towers’ and because there are so many of us and present buying would end up ridiculously expensive we have decided to do a Secret Santa.

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