My Fur Baby
Life Anthea Turner Life Anthea Turner

My Fur Baby

I’ve always believed if you understand the bigger picture it takes away the fear and trepidation when faced with a tricky situation.

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The Power of Three
Life Anthea Turner Life Anthea Turner

The Power of Three

I’m a great believer in the power of three, so three incidents on the same theme mean I need to share them with you.

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Let’s Chat!
Life Anthea Turner Life Anthea Turner

Let’s Chat!

I’m writing to you on an exceedingly hot day with the only upside I’ve managed to turn around a record amount of washing due to the sun drying everything faster than I can pull my next load out.

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Jubilee Weekend
Life Anthea Turner Life Anthea Turner

Jubilee Weekend

If you’re a glass half full person I’m assuming you had a great jubilee weekend soaking up all the positive vibes rocketing around the country, reminding us that wherever we live, we are one big island team and there’s nothing like a bit of flag-waving to bring that out in us

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Be The Queen Today!
Life Anthea Turner Life Anthea Turner

Be The Queen Today!

What a joy it is to read this week’s magazine dedicated to the Queens Platinum Jubilee. I’m normally late to the party when it comes to making plans but to be honest nearly everyone, I’ve spoken to has their day mapped out ranging from gluing themselves to the TV with a copy of the Radio Times, tea and cake to street parties awash with bubbles, barbeques and everything in-between.

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Self-care isn’t Selfish!
Life Anthea Turner Life Anthea Turner

Self-care isn’t Selfish!

This is the time of year to really check in on your mood. I can’t say this enough: Self-care isn’t selfish! You are not only doing yourself a favour but everyone around you who depends on your strength.

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Just Be
Life Anthea Turner Life Anthea Turner

Just Be

Good Morning – I’m saying that because I want you to know I’m writing to you from my tiny office at home and its coming up to 9am. I know ‘Working from Home’ to some is a new experience that came about because of the pandemic, and made possible in practical terms by technology.

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Phone Addicts
Life Anthea Turner Life Anthea Turner

Phone Addicts

How fabulous to be looking at Apps in My Weekly but is it just me, or does it seem like yesterday that that we used a mobile phone as a secondary form of contact only to be switched on when away from home should anyone need to urgently contact us.

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Have You Made Any Holiday Plans?
Life Anthea Turner Life Anthea Turner

Have You Made Any Holiday Plans?

February is coming to a close and if I point my nose into the air à la Moominmama (Love Tove Jansson’s books) I can sniff holiday thoughts flying through the air.

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What will this year bring?
Life Anthea Turner Life Anthea Turner

What will this year bring?

So, we’re well into 2022 the year that’s billed cosmically as 12 months of ‘revelation, enlightenment and bravery which allowing our real selves to emerge’. The years newly launched pantone is called ‘Very Peri’ (light purple to you and me), and if you follow Feng Shui the colour to bring luck into our homes is Mint Green which personally, I adore.

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So this is 2022!
Life Anthea Turner Life Anthea Turner

So this is 2022!

So this is it, 2022 New Year, New You (or just a little bit of editing and fine-tuning!) I am a constant life editor, tweaking and fiddling around with everything from my home to my wardrobe. I believe it is good for the soul as is keeping things clean and fresh. When everything is tidy and free from clutter we twinkle ‘reduce to radiate’

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Let’s talk about Christmas Day
Life Anthea Turner Life Anthea Turner

Let’s talk about Christmas Day

Let’s talk about Christmas Day. I love so much about the Christmas season and truly bust a gut getting as much right as humanly possible. I love the city lights, shop windows, the bustle, meeting up with friends, drinking mulled wine, decorating the house while listening to Christmas tunes

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New Year, Let’s talk – ‘How to Age well”
Life Anthea Turner Life Anthea Turner

New Year, Let’s talk – ‘How to Age well”

Well in line with our magazine I confess that this weekend outside of wearing my matching Pyjamas (last years New Year resolution to tidy up my home wear still going strong) I have spent waking hours in running around in gym wear while not actually doing anything that would remotely come under the heading ‘Exercise’.

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The Christmas Countdown Begins
Life Anthea Turner Life Anthea Turner

The Christmas Countdown Begins

Really on the countdown to Christmas now so hope you’re getting through your practical ‘To Do List’ and your emotional one? By this I mean all those people who you think about often, don’t see but always mean to get in touch with. Well, don’t be a teenager, pick up the phone. But why don’t we?

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Broken Bones & Christmas Shopping
Life Anthea Turner Life Anthea Turner

Broken Bones & Christmas Shopping

The internet shopping part of my Christmas is well underway, and I hope to have all gifts bought, delivered, and possibly wrapped by the end of November so I can enjoy all the twinkly nice bits that the festive season has to offer.

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This Weeks Thoughts…
Life Anthea Turner Life Anthea Turner

This Weeks Thoughts…

I have two things to talk about this week and the first is a Christmas announcement which I proclaimed with great conviction over the weekend and it’s this, “I’m going to enjoy Christmas this year” I have firmly put this intention out to the Universe, and together we will make it happen.

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Scare the Stuffing Out of Us!
Life Anthea Turner Life Anthea Turner

Scare the Stuffing Out of Us!

Well, the good news is Christmas is definitely happening it says so on my Calendar, Church Noticeboard, in My Weekly and when I popped into ‘Pets At Home’ they had a mountain of squeaky plastic brussel sprouts, Christmas puddings, turkeys and pigs in scarves, all waiting to be destroyed by eager pooches on the big day.

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