Let The Christmas Preparations Commence…

I said last week I wouldn’t moan so I won’t, even though it’s taking my complete reserve of resolve not to as I’m a total anti- lockdowner. That on one side (she says with a high- pitched voice and pursed lips), let’s get on with Christmas preparations as best we can, to keep ourselves sane in this crazy world.

There is proven calm satisfaction in crafting, but the two main reasons people give for not attempting it are time and not being convinced they’re capable. So, as you have a little extra time on your hands, believe me, the tips I’m going to gift you today are completely within your capabilities. They are my matching cards, paper and present bag ideas that everyone will love – and you’ll look like an earth angel handing them over. First, do an online search for the words Plain cards and envelopes to decorate. What comes up is quite a collection. They are inexpensive and come in bundles of cream, white, red, green and brown – choose your favourite, or a selection. Then search Paper bags with handles – again, a delightful choice, great prices and loads of colours. Other items to make you look an expert are tissue paper, ribbon, Cellophane, labels with string and finally silver and gold metallic marker pens. You now have all the basics for Christmas gifting and other occasions so nothing ever goes to waste. Now for the fun decorating bit. Look up Stamps for card making – these are an investment and you’ll have them forever.

My final piece of instant artistry comes from your kitchen. We all did it as kids – potato printing. I make mine using a star cookie cutter, which if you don’t already have, you can pick up easily together with poster paint and a small brush. Practise your artistry on a piece of plain paper and when you’ve achieved your look, get cracking like one of Santa’s little helpers. I’ve pulled together a few pictures of mine. I love the naive simplicity here – I think it’s refreshing, earthy and totally real.


Love, Anthea X


The Countdown Begins…


Well I Had a Rubbish Week…