Writing to you from Ecuador’s Galapagos Islands

Well, I’ve written to you from some strange places, but this tops them all, I’m in Ecuador’s Galapagos Islands.

Its, taken the best part of 2 days to arrive here but worth every hour spent on a plane or in an airport.

My Sister Wendy, our father Brian and I made the decision this was the year for a family adventure. Dad back in the 50’s studied geology at university and having spent our childhood roaming around slate mines in Wales, copper mines in Cornwall, being taught about the glacial structure of our highlands and islands it had to be something geographically spectacular. Everything about this volcanic archipelago in the Pacific Ocean has fascinated him for years and at 91 you need to see with you’re your own eyes what books and even David Attenborough can convey.


I’ll write to you in more detail when we’re home but for now, take it from me this UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural OrganiSation) World Heritage site protected by the good people of Ecuador is a jewel like no other - Apart from this week’s bumper edition of ‘My Weekly’!


First, I will definitely be purchasing tickets to see our cover star Imelda Staunton in Hello Dolly, it’s an old musical waiting for a breath of fresh air.

Many years ago, in an amateur dramatic version I played the part of Minnie Fay, it was one of the best two weeks of my young life. 

We rehearsed, entertained, laughed, danced and felt like stars.

Which brings me to a thought for you, have you ever considered or dreamed of being on the stage? Somewhere near to you will be an amateur choir, drama/musical theatre group, orchestra, who need your support. Now this can be on stage or behind the scenes, your time and talent is what they need and by joining these merry minstrels, in whatever capacity, You’ll probably have a blast and wonder why you left it so long.

In the real showbiz world Imelda is going to be amazing, and I can’t wait to be there trying ‘not’to sing along. 


Love an article about feet, keep them soft and moisturised is a pet pamper of mine. My product BODY 3 was designed to look after our, sometimes overlooked body part, that works so hard for us. Looking after mine is in my night-time routine and perseverance pays off. 

A quick easy trick I use is with table salt and olive oil - Sit in an empty bath to do this as it can get messy - Rub olive oil over your feet then using table salt as an exfoliator massage a handful into your feet, between your toes and while you are at it all over your hands. 

Rinse off, dry, then smother your feet generously in an oil-based moisturiser(obviously mine is brilliant) pop on a pair of cotton socks and let the magic begin. 


I’m off to snorkel with turtles now - Who did you know can sit at the bottom of the ocean for hours breathing through their bottom !!


Have a good week,




The Joys of Travelling


Air Fryers and River Boats