Recently I was at a dinner sitting next to a rather well known plastic surgeon from LA, as you can imagine it didn’t’ take long for the conversation to get round to one of my favourite subjects, the ageing skin.
Statements were made about heritage genes but these are the words I took away with me. I tell all my patients the two skin destroyers are smoking and the sun you are literally burning yourself from the inside and the outside. I promise you, you won’t see the damage in your 30’s but somewhere around 45 it starts to show. But don’t worry all is not lost because you can reverse that warning and begin to maintain your skin from the inside as well as the outside.
For the last 6 weeks on the recommendation of a friend Grace Foder the founder of Studio 10 Makeup I have been testing the products below with pleasing results. I decided to monitor areas of my skin that are thin and dry especially my arms and happy to report things are improving and for some reason getting “You look well” comments. Read the information below, it makes sense and have a little try yourself, loads of goodness in these sachet’s but make sure you aider to the directions: