So Happy to See Summer Dresses

So happy to see summer dresses in our magazine this week especially as it was ‘My Weekly Fashion’ that two years ago introduced me to the wonders of sustainable fashion brand Aspiga. 

The company’s founder Lucy Macnamara is an inspiration and just about the best when it comes to creating ‘the flattering frock’ she’s definitely turned me from being a ,separates only summer dresser, to finaly allowing floaty frocks back into my life.

Only his week, knowing I’m off on a working trip to the Galapagos and then another to Crete, I dived into Aspiga to kit myself out. If 50% of the job is looking he part, I’m now confident that between Aspiga, M&S and stuff I already have I’ve nailed it. 

The job in Crete is an interesting one that you might be interested in. It’s to report on a hotel where single people can holiday in the sunshine feeling totally relaxed in their own company or with others. It largely attracts women of our age arriving in a group or on their own. No children and definitely no stress about eating alone, everyone mingles. There are trips if you want to go on them, yoga classes, pampering, you’re free to dip in or out of anything they have on offer.  

An outfit for me when working on a shoot like this has to look good from all angles and separates, by the nature of 2 moving parts, don’t always tick that box.

But what I’ve teamed them with trust me rock. Cowboy boots are everywhere this season and I’ve bagged a pair, mid-calf in milky white. Most of the dresses are maxi so they’re not in your face and I thought a little change from the obligatory box fresh trainers.

I’ll be filming this report in June so will give you a complete rundown when back also, I’ll have pictures of my Nashville meets Surrey look!

Love a bank holiday breakfast nothing like an excuse for a little indulgence, but can I just say if you want to swerve the cooking of pancakes my Dad has discovered the deep joy of M&S ready made. I immediately turned my nose up until he served me one, with lemon and sugar. 

Wow, delicious, difficult to beat, no washing up and perfect every time. 

On the subject of beauty products, that work while you’re asleep I’m going to unashamedly throw in my own BALM 6. 

I’ve tried everything and spent a small fortune in my pursuit for the perfect night cream. Our skin is a combination of DNA and  lifestyle choices that either quicken or slow down the pace of ageing. You can’t get rid of wrinkles, but you can soften them with hydration from the inside (water) and a good nourishing product that will lock in your skins natural precious moisture. Every night I use my balm as a cleanser - oil based cleansers are the kindest for older skins – then from the same pot I run a blob into my hands, cuticles, face neck, sometimes hair if its dry, knowing it’ll protect me all night and in the morning, I’ll wake up with nourished skin. Its 6 products in one and always in my suitcase.


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